xPlan can take care of booking stays directly in the PMS in the case of wellness packages including overnight stays, for example.
Our interfaces are designed to save time by automating thankless and time-consuming tasks. Automatic data feeds allow you to reduce oversights and therefore financial losses.
xPlan can take care of booking stays directly in the PMS in the case of wellness packages including overnight stays, for example.
It is up to you to decide whether the room rate will be set by xPlan or by the PMS.
xPlan takes care of creating the client in the PMS if it doesn't already exist.
xPlan may send the spa part fee to the guest's bill to be paid at the end of the hotel stay.
xPlan can take care of sending financial data to the PMS during the Night Audit.
xPlan can detect the addition or modification of customer data in certain PMSs and update them.
In some PMS, xPlan can detect new bookings and their changes, depending on the case xPlan can book the spa part automatically in our schedule.
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